Thursday, November 11, 2010

2010-2011 The Ferrari 430

The Ferrari 430 was built by Ferrari from 1975 to 1985. The model number 308, in typically Ferrari fashion, does not make a lot of sense to non Ferrari fans. But if you understand some of the number methods that have been used over the years you can puzzle it out, sometimes.
2010-2011 The Ferrari 430
2010-2011 The Ferrari 430

The fast and luxurious cars from Porsche and Ferrari originated in Europe; Germany and Italy respectively. Both exotic sports cars are more than 50 years old with cutting edge engineering and exquisite styling. These two cars have always been compared for many reasons since they are race cars, cars of status for the rich. Most people always correlate these cars with style and performance.
2010-2011 The Ferrari 430

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